Humans in order to survive, must produce food and material objects. Evolution of human society from simple hunting to complex industrialisation, production is a social enterprises.
Production involves factor of production which includes technology, raw materials, scientific knowledge. There is a social relationship with a development of force of production, there came a relations of production. Relations of production means the men enter into social relationship to produce the goods. One who owns the production of goods is known as Owner whereas the person involves in the process of production known as Workers.
Force of production and Relations of production forms the economic base or infrastructure of society. Superstructure largely shaped by the infrastructure. When there is a change in infrastructure, there will be a change in superstructure.
Marx mentioned that all historical societies contains basic contradictions. These contradictions involves an exploitation of one social group by other. For instances, in feudal society where Lords exploit their Serf and in Capitalist society, employer exploit the employees for maximisation of profit.
There is fundamental conflict of interest between the social group. One group gains at the expense of other social group. Wealth in capitalist society produced by the labour power of workers. However much of wealth is appropriated in the form of profits by the capitalist in the capitalist society.
The wage of the workers is well below the value of wealth produced by the capitalist owners. By nature, capitalism is oppression and exploitation of workers according to Karl Marx.
Major changes in history were resulted into new forms of production. Thus the change evolved from feudal to capitalist society.
The utopian society of Karl Marx believed that in Communist or Socialist society replaces Capitalism where ownership of the force of production will be communally owned and there is a sense of collective ownership like in Primitivie society where there will be no oppression or exploitation.
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