Social system as product of rational impulses of human beings to integrate the needs and urges as orderly system.
Subject matter of Parson is SOCIAL ACTION and SOCIAL SYSTEM
Weber used Ideal type to explain all action of human beings
Parson says Social action is derived from behaviour of human beings
Behaviour became action through conditions like Goal orientation and situations, norms and values, energy or motivation or effort.
Orientation of action is either be motivational based on needs, plans, exteriority or values such as values, aesthetic, morality, thinking
Modes of Organisation
1. Personality system - Aspects of individual social functioning
2.Cultural system - Beliefs, values
3.Social system - interaction between individuals and organisation
Weber gave passing reference on Motives but Parson emphasis more on Action Motives
Action motives like 1.Cognitive( Thinking, Analysing) 2.Cathetic(Likes and dislikes) 3.Evalutative(Emotional and Rationality) 4.Appreciative(spontaneity)
Weber focus only on actors perspective but PARSON added situations and norms of the society with the motivational orientation.
They are Instrumental, Expressive and Moral motives
Values based on custom and culture can be Normative constraints on Actor to achieve a goal and Situational Constraints based on motives
Motivational Orientation involves only Motives(psychological aspects) of an individual while the value orientation involves the cultural system(values).
Motive + Value = Action
Psychological (Mind) + Cultural norms and values = Human behaviour(action)
Cognitive (Intellectual)'+Cognitive(Honesty) = Instrumental action(Integrity)
Cathetic (smile) + Appreciative(Happiness) = Expressive action ( Joy)
Evaluative+ Moral = Moral action
Socialisation: Values transmitted from one to next and internalised to form individual personalities.
Levels of Socialisation
1.Cultural socialisation (culture, norms, symbol, language, behaviour)
2.Social socialisation ( role play, role understanding, role position)
3.Psychic Socialisation ( anxiety control, tension management)
Mechanism of social control encourage integration and discourage deviance
1.Formal : Rule of Law
2.Informal: Friends, Family, Morality, Conscience, Religion
3.Coercive: Police, Army
Parson functional Prerequisites
2.Goal Attainment
Equilibrium maintained by above mentioned system. If weakening of above system will lead to disorganisation, crime, deliquency
Parson says "Change is never alteration of pattern but alteration by the overcoming of resistance"
Conflict or strain in the system destabilize social system.
Restore the equlibrium with the proces of self maintenance
Role Bargaining during changing situation
Role allocation is bound by norms which guide action. If it is institutionalized, this creates stability and new structure formed. This model of social change is known as moving equilibrium
Interrelationship mechanism for people used for satisfying their material and social needs
Cultural system ( emotional, aesthetic)
Personality sytem ( qualities present in each other)
Interaction occurs through socialisation and social control. The form of interaction will be either formal or informal or coercive
Socialisation occurs through learning values. Psychic socialisation at personal level and social socialisation(interrealtionship)
Functional Goals
AGIL model Adaptation Goal Integration Latency
Adaptation in Organismic system, Goal achieved in Personality sytem, Integration through Economic sytem, Latency through Cultural system
AGIL SYSTEM is a cybenetic hierarchy
LIGA is an informational point of view
Conditional - AGIL Adaptation is the highest level of cybernetic hierarchy
High Information High Energy LIGA
DNA contain information about human body which has high energy. So DNA has high cybernetic control
Cultural system has highest information and has cybernetic control over other components of action system.
AGIL model specify the minimum condition for the society to survive
It refers to variety of choices to actor at any social situation
1.Universalism vs Particularism
Cognitive vs Cathetic evaluation
Universal standards of human behaviour is strict adherance to legal norms. This is universalistic mode of role performance. Ex. Officer following the rules for everyone in government tender in infrastructure development
Particularism is avoiding rules for the favour of close relative. Particularism encorage nepotism and favouristism. Ex. Privant Bank CEO is allowing a loan to a corporate group which had dealings with his relatives
2.Ascription vs Achievement
Quality vs Performance
Role allocation on the basis of caste system is ascription
Provinding jobs on the basis of merit is achievement
3.Affective vs Affective neutrality
Mother child relationship is affective
Doctor patient relationship is affective neutrality
4.Self orientation vs Collective orientation
Own gratification vs Collective good
Person involved in corruption is self orientation. Ex. Vijay Mallaya
Atruism and self sacrifice for collective good. Soldiers martyr in war
5.Specificity vs Diffusiveness
Doctors do specific role is specificity
Friendship is diffused throughout
Pattern variable helps in decision making during the nature of role allocation, role expectation and role performance
Critic to Talcott Parson
1.Habermas says values are coercively injected through education, family, mass media. They are not voluntaristic as envisaged by Parson
2. Bryan Turner argues that Parson makes no difference on Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Communist China, Democratic US. All social system has AGIL model according to Parson. But failed to recognised about revolutionary changes.
3.Conflict Management: Ralf Dahrendorf says he overemphasize on value consensus model. Continuity of system occur even by conflict management
4. Ends and Values: Alvin Gouldner says some groups in society dominate others.
5. RK Merton look into only functional aspect not dysfunctional.
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