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 Society comprises different interconnected and interrelated parts such as Family, Religion, Education.etc.  Each part has functional prerequisites for the maintenance of social system.  

Behaviour in society is structured and governed by the institution which framed rules and regulations.  For instances, the major function of family is the socialization of new members of society.  This contributes to order, stability, cooperation and coordination which held from shared norms and values.

Social relations are patterned and the society is governed by norms which exhibits normative behaviour.

Like family system, the function of various parts of the social structure are governed by functional prerequisites which are relevant for any form of society to survive.

What is functional prerequisite?

Functional prerequisite of a society involves a minimal degree of coordination and integration between the parts. 

The functional prerequisites of economic system is to enable the means of producing food and shelter.  Whereas family is to socializing new members of society for cultural development.  Educational system is to  producing the skills and expertise to expand production.  Political system is to improving material needs of the citizens. 

 Integration largely depends on value consensus.  Value consensus is an agreement amongst the members of society on values and principles.

Here all the parts of the social structure are based on the same values of improving productivity through cooperation and coordination and hence they are integrated and interdependent.

Functionalist believed on shared values and norms learnt from cultural ethos which taught from the institutions like Family, Education, Peer group which provide the foundation for cooperation and coordination ensures order and stability in the society.


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