Interactionism focus on small scale interaction rather than society as a whole. It is limited betweent the individuals or the group. There is no social system and human system that does not respond to the system.
Interaction is an action between the individuals. It enables conversation, gesture between the individuals. Interpretation of meanings produce social action which actors give to their activities.
Meanings are not fixed entities. Meanings can be developed, created, modified and changed within the process of integration.
Max Weber, G.H. Mead. Herbert Blumer contributes to the growth of Interactionism.
"Looking Glass Self" coined by Charles H Cooley in 1902 talked about developing our self identities based on both correct or incorrect perception of how others see us.
Stating that a person's self grows out of society's interpersonal interactions and perception of others. A person comes to know about himself by interacting with other people and our impressions on how perceive us.
Social action of an individual or group through construction of meanings through interaction. This requires the analysis of the way actors interpret the language, gesture, appearance. The definition and meanings of social actions are therefore constructed in interactive situations by the process of negotiations.
Police identified the person as delinquent or non-delinquent by the process of negotiations through investigations.
Interactionism focus on the process of interaction between two or more group. Since all actions are meaningful and the meanings are contructed and negotiated in an interactive situation. From the interaction, an actor can develops the Self.
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