In 19th century, Europe experiences the changes which led to disintegration of traditional society. Modern society emerged out of modernity and social changes in Europe. Change is driven by scientific will of collectivity. Functional theory believed that society is integrated and interconnected with different parts.
When change is taking place, it cause disequilibrium to other parts. Change is a form of continuity according to positivist.
August Comte the father of sociology understood law of action and reaction taking place in different institutions. For example government framed a policy, the people and other stakeholders react to it. This is sociology of statics. Statics predominates dynamics.
Theological (Religion) society and metaphysical(Philosophical) world undergoes scientific discoveries(rationality)
Society are subjected to continuity. Because parts are interconnected. People action and reaction are determined by common values.
Herbert Spencer in his evolution theory, he is more affiliated with evolution. He gaves the concept of differentiation when technology develops. People engaged in different activities, specialization occurs. Higher the degree of differentiation, more they are closer to each other. Continuity of Sociology occurs
Emile Durkheim says Social facts are external to an individual. It can be studied by scientific approach- Observation, Verification, Interpretation
Crime and Punishment : Normal and pathological social facts are two sides of same coin. People conform to rules and law. Few commits crime which offends the will of collective conscience. Therefore, punishment inflicted on offenders. The people who conform to rule of law believe and persist the rules of law giving rise to continuity of society.
Division of Labour: By conforming to rule of law, holding the position and playing the role. Persistance and continuity of society by the will of collective conscience.
Religion is symbol when people attached their identiy, define their location, promotes integration. Religion is universally functional and social necessity.
Suicide established the bondage between man and the society.
Vilfred Pareto says every society is conducting the pursuit of change in different spheres. Change cause disturbances, it will neutralised by intervention. New form of consensus develops among society. Changes giving rise to continuity in society.
Functional Theory in Anthropology
Brownislaw Malinowski conduct indepth study on Trobrianders islands in Pacific region. Culture presents in society devotes the rules of marriage, participation on the modes of production, ritual practice.
In Simple society, it is greatly defined by cultural aspects. Culture is injected into minds of people in varied ways through interpersonal communication, socialization, training.
Thinking in line of culture, people function their role in an expected manner.
As a result, different parts of society are interconnected and study society as a whole.
There is a difference between ideal culture and real culture. The function of culture is to guide the man, directing specific form of behaviour, disciplining them. Here society subjected to continuity.
Talcott Parsons says change is the creation of new thing and continuity in society. Parson considers society as systems. Every system has different parts and satisfy the functional prerequisites.
AGIL model - Adaptation Goal Integration Latency
Four Functional Prerequisites:
1. Economy negotiation with environment, obtaining resources.
2.Government identified goals for department
3. Helping society and individual to integrate through Education, Religious institution
4.Peer group addressing turmoil present in society
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