Merton's Sociology is to find how minorities in pluralistic society evolved into full fledged personalities. Talcot Parson interested to develop Grand Theory in Sociology. Society works as a system where different parts are harmonically linked to each other. Society as a organic system, personality system, social system and cultural system. Society is an integrated system. If there is a change occurs, since change is a continuous process. It will never lead to destruction. Change brings new form of continuity as against the old form of continuity. Parson developed a sociology as a critic to Marxian Sociology. Marx says Revolution is the key to social change. Parson the defender of capitalism and industrial society. Parson disagreed with Marx on Revolution and says change will comes through Negotiation, communication and adaptation. Merton views on society different from Talcott Parsons. The major problem of Parsonian is o...
Current affairs related to UPSC Prelims and Mains, Sociology optional strategy