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RK Merton

Merton's Sociology  is to find how minorities in pluralistic society evolved into full fledged personalities. Talcot Parson interested to develop Grand Theory in Sociology.  Society works as a system where different parts are harmonically linked to each other.  Society as a organic system, personality system, social system and cultural system.  Society is an integrated system.  If there is a change occurs, since change is a continuous process.  It will never lead to destruction.  Change brings new form of continuity as against the old form of continuity.  Parson developed a sociology as a critic to Marxian Sociology. Marx says Revolution is the key to social change.  Parson the defender of capitalism and industrial society.  Parson disagreed with Marx on Revolution and says change will comes through Negotiation, communication and adaptation. Merton views on society different from Talcott Parsons.  The major problem of Parsonian is o...

Talcott Parsons- Social System, Pattern Variables

 Social system as product of rational impulses of human beings to integrate the needs and urges as orderly system. Subject matter of Parson is SOCIAL ACTION and SOCIAL SYSTEM GRAND THEORY OF SOCIAL ACTION Weber used Ideal type to explain all action of human beings Parson says Social action is derived from behaviour of human beings Behaviour became action through conditions like Goal orientation and situations, norms and values, energy or motivation or effort. Orientation of action is either be motivational based on needs, plans, exteriority or values such as values, aesthetic, morality, thinking Modes of Organisation 1. Personality system - Aspects of individual social functioning 2.Cultural system - Beliefs, values 3.Social system - interaction between individuals and organisation MOTIVATIONAL ORIENTATION  Weber gave passing reference on Motives but Parson emphasis more on Action Motives Action motives like 1.Cognitive( Thinking, Analysing) 2.Cathetic(Likes and dislikes) 3.E...

Functional Theory - How society maintain its continuum

 In 19th century, Europe experiences the changes which led to disintegration of traditional society.  Modern society emerged out of modernity and social changes in Europe.  Change is driven by scientific will of collectivity.  Functional theory believed that society is integrated and interconnected with different parts. When change is taking place, it cause disequilibrium to other parts.  Change is a form of continuity according to positivist. August Comte the father of sociology understood law of action and reaction taking place in different institutions. For example government framed a policy, the people and other stakeholders react to it.  This is sociology of statics.  Statics predominates dynamics. Theological (Religion) society and metaphysical(Philosophical) world undergoes scientific discoveries(rationality) Society are subjected to continuity.  Because parts are interconnected. People action and reaction are determined by common values. H...


 Interactionism focus on small scale interaction rather than society as a whole.  It is limited betweent the individuals or the group.  There is no social system and human system that does not respond to the system. Interaction is an action between the individuals.  It enables conversation, gesture between the individuals.  Interpretation of meanings produce social action which actors give to their activities.   Meanings are not fixed entities.  Meanings can be developed, created, modified and changed within the process of integration. Max Weber, G.H. Mead. Herbert Blumer contributes to the growth of Interactionism. "Looking Glass Self" coined by Charles H Cooley in 1902 talked about developing our self identities based on both correct or incorrect perception of how others see us. Stating that a person's self grows out of society's interpersonal interactions and perception of others.  A person comes to know about himself by interacting with o...


 Humans in order to survive, must produce food and material objects.  Evolution of human society from simple hunting to complex industrialisation, production is a social enterprises.   Production involves factor of production which includes technology, raw materials, scientific knowledge.  There is a social relationship with a development of force of production, there came a relations of production.  Relations of production means the men enter into social relationship to produce the goods.  One who owns the production of goods is known as Owner whereas the person involves in the process of production known as Workers.   Force of production and Relations of production forms the economic base or infrastructure of society.  Superstructure largely shaped by the infrastructure.  When there is a change in infrastructure, there will be  a change in superstructure. Marx mentioned that all historical societies contains basic contradicti...


 Society comprises different interconnected and interrelated parts such as Family, Religion, Education .etc.  Each part has functional prerequisites for the maintenance of social system.   Behaviour in society is structured and governed by the institution which framed rules and regulations.  For instances, the major function of family is the socialization of new members of society.  This contributes to order, stability, cooperation and coordination which held from shared norms and values. Social relations are patterned and the society is governed by norms which exhibits normative behaviour. Like family system, the function of various parts of the social structure are governed by functional prerequisites which are relevant for any form of society to survive. What is functional prerequisite? Functional prerequisite of a society involves a minimal degree of coordination and integration between the parts.  The functional prerequisites of economic system is...

Art and Culture - GS1

Need of arts policy Museum and cultural complexes were created across the countries to showcase the art and culture significance of our country. But whether the importance and values of those reaching to the young minds remains the question. India is abound by so many languages and culture , it’s impossible to have one culture policy. Therefore, it has to starts with an arts policy on lines of arts council of UK or National endowment Fund of USA. Engage the society and it’s people with concept and content of various cultural ideas by involving the  local artists. Government has providing the skill development through Kaushal Yojana. Connect the cultural activities to skill development to reach the totality and providing better shape to artistic values in our country. Arts provides wider perspective to look beyond geographical, linguistic and religious divides and promotes the idea of oneness. It is  time for our government need to take efforts to promotes the arts ...