What is Uniform Civil Code?
It is a proposal to have a set of governing laws for every citizens without taking into consideration of religion.
Constitutional mandate
Article 44 provides "the state shall endeavor to secure for the citizens an uniform civil code throughout the territory of India".
Law Commission of India
In its 185 page consultation paper stated "Uniform Civil Code is neither necessary nor desirable at this stage"
Secularism cannot contradict the pluralism present in the society. The term secularism has only meaning if it assures an expression of accepting any form of differences. India is the land of differences which indicates a robust democracy.
Codification of all personal laws incompatible with fundamental rights to avoid prejudices and stereotypes
Suggested 18 years be the maximum legal age for marriage for both men and women.
"Marry as equals" which evade the differences in ages set the stereotype that women must be younger than men.
Women should get an equal part of property gained after marriage
It is a proposal to have a set of governing laws for every citizens without taking into consideration of religion.
Constitutional mandate
Article 44 provides "the state shall endeavor to secure for the citizens an uniform civil code throughout the territory of India".
Law Commission of India
In its 185 page consultation paper stated "Uniform Civil Code is neither necessary nor desirable at this stage"
Secularism cannot contradict the pluralism present in the society. The term secularism has only meaning if it assures an expression of accepting any form of differences. India is the land of differences which indicates a robust democracy.
Codification of all personal laws incompatible with fundamental rights to avoid prejudices and stereotypes
Suggested 18 years be the maximum legal age for marriage for both men and women.
"Marry as equals" which evade the differences in ages set the stereotype that women must be younger than men.
Women should get an equal part of property gained after marriage