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Showing posts from October, 2018

Art and Culture - GS1

Need of arts policy Museum and cultural complexes were created across the countries to showcase the art and culture significance of our country. But whether the importance and values of those reaching to the young minds remains the question. India is abound by so many languages and culture , it’s impossible to have one culture policy. Therefore, it has to starts with an arts policy on lines of arts council of UK or National endowment Fund of USA. Engage the society and it’s people with concept and content of various cultural ideas by involving the  local artists. Government has providing the skill development through Kaushal Yojana. Connect the cultural activities to skill development to reach the totality and providing better shape to artistic values in our country. Arts provides wider perspective to look beyond geographical, linguistic and religious divides and promotes the idea of oneness. It is  time for our government need to take efforts to promotes the arts ...

Law Commission Of India Report on Uniform Civil Code, Marriage and Divorce

What is Uniform Civil Code?    It is a proposal to have a set of governing laws for every citizens without taking into consideration of religion. Constitutional mandate    Article 44  provides "the state shall endeavor to secure for the citizens an uniform civil code throughout the territory of India". Law Commission of India   In its 185 page consultation paper stated "Uniform Civil Code is neither necessary nor desirable at this stage" Reason:   Secularism cannot contradict the pluralism present in the society.  The term secularism has only meaning if it assures an expression of accepting any form of differences.  India is the land of differences which indicates a  robust democracy. Suggestions:   Codification of all personal laws incompatible with fundamental rights to avoid prejudices and stereotypes  Marriage:    Suggested 18 years be the maximum legal age for marriage for both men and women. ...